EMAG (China) Machinery Co., Ltd. / 埃马克(中国)机械有限公司太仓分公司
VL 200 GT-Turning/Grinding Machine for Chucked Parts
Complete all the hard machining processes in a single clamping operation. By combining the hard turning and grinding processes faster cycle times, higher machining quality and lower tool costs will be achieved. These benefits become obvious when we look at the production of gear wheels. First, the shoulders are hard turned, and then the borehole and the cone are pre-turned. These processes leave a residual oversize of just a few micrometers on the gear wheel allowing for a significant reduction in the grinding process using corundum or CBN grinding wheels. The machining quality also benefits from the turning/grinding combination because if there is only a small amount of material to be ground after the turning process, the grinding wheel can be designed more specifically to achieve the final quality required. Allowing us to achieve finish values with a mean peak-to-valley height Rz of less than 1.6 micrometers using the VL 200 GT. The VLC series has a parts storage area for raw and finished parts, and working spindle that is automatically loaded/unloaded. This means minimum downtimes and high productivity. Depending on the machining requirements, the machining area may feature one or two (internal) grinding spindles. Standard spindles are available for the configuration, which can cover a wide range of speeds and capacities. CBN can be used to increase productivity. CBN grinding wheels are conditioned with a rotating diamond dressing roller for the machining task.

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Michael Xiong 熊力平

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